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Landscape Design & Outdoor Kitchens Folsom

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Landscaper Folsom | 5 elements of Landscaper Design

Folsom landscaper design color & patterns

Landscaper Color - Using a complementing color scheme throughout your yard is an overall MUST! Landscaper design color theory is not to be neglected. For the typical application of landscape color theory,photos of colorful flowers are immensely helpful. Pacific Landscapes will provide both in a Landscape presentation. Landscape contractors in Folsom should give you ideas for using reds, pinks, yellows, blues, purples, lavenders, oranges, whites and silvers in your landscaper designs. You may wish to skip directly to the Landscape Garden page if you are already familiar with color theory.

Landscaper Patterns

Successful gardens are designed and planted according to patterns, and each pattern is based on principles of landscaper design, which are common to all the arts: unity, coherence, and balance. Landscape designed gardens may be classified as formal and informal, conventional or naturalistic, geometric or of free form. Some other patterns can be classifies as linear. Linear landscaper design patterns are used to direct physical movement and to draw attention to areas in your garden.

Folsom Landscaper design forms & Texture

There are many different forms of landscaper design. We will mention some forms of landscaper design however if you ave any question's please let us know.  Forms of landscape can be expressed through trees and shrubs, hardscapes, Poolscapes, water features or  various shapes and sizes of wildlife.

Landscaper Texture: In landscape design terminology, texture is the perceived surface quality of an object. The texture of a plant's foliage or bloom can be perceived as coarse, medium or fine. In our landscape design  photo gallery we provide examples of mix plants with relatively big leaves (coarse texture) and relatively small leaves (fine texture) to avoid monotony in a planting bed. Plants with varying textures can add to the atmosphere of your outdoor area.

Folsom Landscape Balance

Landscaper Balance- Your outdoor design should balance the size of the buildings it surrounds, while maintaining a comfortable environment for the individuals who will use the area.

Balance is necessary in landscaper design to provide stability in the visual perception of the yard. A harmonious or satisfying arrangement of the parts of the landscaper design is necessary for an attractive garden. Visual stability is achieved by understanding the visual "weight" of our landscaper design elements. For instance, dark colors appear heavier than light, and fine textured plants appear lighter than coarse.

When gauging balance, consider a central axis radiating from the viewpoint outward. Symmetrical landscaper deisgn balance occurs when the elements on both sides of the axis mirror each other; this form of balance is most common in formal gardens. The asymmetrical balance of informal landscaper design uses the various weights of materials to roughly equal each other.

The origin, or viewpoint from which we determine a landscaper design balance, may be central to the entire landscape or specific to one area, however your primary viewpoints should be determined first. As with the other theoretical elements of landscaper design, the growth of plant forms and seasonal changes of color and texture must also be considered when designing for balance.

By balancing the elements landscaper design we make the visual experience more peaceful and satisfying. There are no exact formulas for achieving perfect landscaper design balance; often, the best plan is to draw or visualize the forms of our design, using the above criteria to determine the requirements for achieving balance in your Folsom landscaper design project.


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